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Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight

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SIE produced and installed 27 custom cases and assisted with the installation of the exhibition Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight at the National Museum of the American Indian. The exhibition features glass sculptures by Tlingit American artist Preston Singletary.

Preston Singletary’s striking glass pieces in three freestanding cases in front of projected images.

Preston Singletary’s striking glass pieces in freestanding cases.

ton Singletary’s striking glass pieces in a freestanding case.

Preston Singletary’s striking glass piece in a wall vitrine.

Artist Preston Singletary (Tlingit American, b. 1963), and tells the story of Raven, the creator of the world and giver of the stars, moon, and sun through his striking glass pieces paired with original music, coastal Pacific Northwest soundscapes, and projected images.

SIE staff assist with installing the exhibition.

SIE staff assist with installing the exhibition.

SIE staff assist with installing the exhibition

SIE staff assist with installing the exhibition.

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